Here's a shot of Emily.
Here's a shot of Rito and Goldar by Kaboom's Rocket Mode.
Here's another shot of Emily.
Here's a shot of Louie Kaboom in new footage.
Here's 2 shots of Louie Kaboom and Tough Tusks in new footage.

Here's a shot of the Gold Ranger in the same shot as Louie Kaboom and
Tough Tusks, this is new footage.
Here's a shot of the 6 Rangers against Tough Tusks, this is new footage.
Here's new footage of Tough Tusks.
Here's new footage of Giant Tough Tusks as shown in the Viewing Globe,
in this shot he's holding Kaboom up.
Here's new footage of Giant Tough Tusks however in this shot he's
holding Louie Kaboom up.
Here's new footage of Machina and Sprocket.
Here's new footage of tthe Red and Green Rangers in the same shot as
Louie Kaboom, Queen Machina and Prince Sprocket.
Here's a shot of Giant Tough Tusks in the same shot as the Rangers.
NOTE: Beginning shots of Kaboom's Rocket Mode is new footage
but that should've been obvious due to Rito and Goldar being in the
Footage switches to Sentai as soon as you see the SKybase.
All footage of human-size Tough Tusks is new footage along with all
shots of Kaboom on Earth.
All footage of the 5 Rangers when they appear to confront Kaboom is new
Footage of the Ragers firing their Pistols and the Gold Ranger firing
his Staff is new footage.
The shot of Giant Tough Tusks in the same shot as human-size Louie
Kaboom as shown on the Viewing Globe is new footage.
The shot of the Rangers teleporting into battle is new footage.
The shot of Giant Tough Tusks holding Kaboom is new footage.
The footage of the Gold Ranger fighting Cogs is Sentai footage.
The footage of Queen Machina and Prince Sprocket on Earth is new
footage along with any following shots of Louie Kaboom.
The footage of Giant Tough Tusks switches to Sentai footage when he can
vbe seen holding a Japanese sign however the shot of the Rangers in the
same shot as Giant Tough Tusks is new footage.
All following shots of t e Rangers is new footage including when they
call for their Super Zeozords.
The footage switches to Sentai footage when the Super Zeozords appear.
The following shots of Kaboom including when he's forced to retreat is
new footage.
Following info comes from Ohranger 35.
Here's a shot of Prince Sprocket, Klank and Orbus in the Machine
Here's a shot of Queen Machina, Prince Sprocket, Klank and Orbus in the
Machine Skybase. 
Here's a shot of Red Battlezord and the Zeo Megazord in the Holding
Here's a shot of Red Battlezord and the Super Zeo Megazord in the Zord
Holding Bay. 
Here's a shot of the Super Zeo Megazord in the Holding Bay. 
Here's a shot of Kaboom's Rocket Mode over the exterior shot of the
Machine Skybase. 

Here's 6 shots of Louie Kaboom.

Here's 4 shots of Giant Tough Tusks.

Here's a shot of Giant Tough Tusks against the Red, Green and Blue
Super Zeozords. 
Here's a shot of Louie Kaboom, Cogs, Klank and Orbus in tthe Machine
Here's a shot of Tough Tusks against the Red Super Zeozord. 
Here's a shot of Tough Tusks in the same shot as 4 of the Super
Here's another shot of Giant Tough Tusks and the Super Zeozords.